June Recital Announcement

Monday, April 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

I am excited to announce the theme for our live, virtual recital coming up on Sunday, June 27 at 3:00 PM.  Songs of Summer "UNMASKED" promises to be a great finish to our year of online lessons.

Who would have thought one year ago that this is how we would be doing our lessons, yet here we are...

It has been a challenge in some ways for sure, but extremely rewarding in other ways as students have learned to adapt to the new learning environment and have flourished in their lessons.  Now you will get to see and hear their progress "live"!  This will be a Zoom conference call with all attendees muted.  Each performer will unmute their microphone when it is their turn to perform.  We will all be able to unmute after each performance to clap, cheer and encourage each performer.  The Zoom link will be made shareable so that if there are family/friends you would like to be able to take in the recital you can invite them.  I am hoping to have a few surprises as well for everyone...

We will be starting our focus on recital prep this week and I am really looking forward to this year-end celebration.

Stay tuned for more information as the date draws nearer!